NeuroImpulse Protocol (NIP)
What is NIP?
NeuroImpulse Protocol (NIP) is referred to as a ‘tonal technique’ – its intent is to normalise the natural tone held in the nervous system. To explain this simply we need to understand basic brain function.
The brain's role is to receive all the information from the body (from muscles, joints, eyes, ears etc.), process this information and decide how to react (for example, when touching something hot, the brain moves the hand away). If everything is working correctly, the brain receives the correct information and proceeds to make an optimal output (this is when the body is working at its best and is often pain free).
If however, the body is in a state of subluxation (note this is different to a medical subluxation), whatever is subluxated surges the brain with too much information. This can then overload the brain, causing the brain to alter the output (like a circuit breaker in a house- a surge of power causes the circuit breaker to shut off and half the house goes without power).
Using the NIP method of assessment we test how the body is moving, the muscle strengths/tone, posture, reflexes and collate this information to find the subluxated region. To adjust the subluxation and ultimately the brains function, a light sustained pressure is used followed by a gentle shallow thrust/impulse which sends a message to the brains cortex which aims to normalise the brains perception of the body (ie. switching the circuit breaker back on).

Is there any cracking?
Absolutely NOT.
NIP does not treat using the traditional “cracking”or “manipulation”.
What is the NIP adjustment?
We use a light sustained pressure on a specific point of the body followed by a light impulse/thrusting movement. This will be enough to change the brains perception of the body. If we push too firmly or are too forceful the brain may reject the impulse as a defence to the brains cortex. This defence mechanism is a means for the body to absorb falls and physical traumas. And for this reason that the NIP adjustment must be very specific in the point adjusted and the specific impulse produced by the practitioner.
What will I feel after an adjustment?
Based on experience as an NIP chiropractor, we like to to demonstrate a change in presenting complaint during the first visit. If there is extensive inflammation, muscle spasm, or structural damage in the area then the results may take some time to feel the relief. Occasionally, the source of the symptoms is deeper in the layers of the “onion” and may require several visits to get to the root of the problem.

How do we tailor a treatment plan?
This depends on the presenting condition. The brain organises it’s dysfuntion/subluxations in layers, one after the other. We liken this to the layers of an onion. When one layer is adjusted there may be another that follows immediately or may take time to come from deep within a stored portion of the nervous system (this time may vary for everyone). For this reason after each adjustment we re-check everything and the body will either show normal movement, muscle strength and posture, or will show another layer.
Occasionally the underlying issue is from deep within the “onion”and until the deeper pattern is adjusted then the symptoms can recur.
Each layer should be different to the one before and if that’s not the case it either means that something that is causing it to reoccur which may require referral for further examination or a joint treatment approach with other allied health practitioners. .
Will I have to come back very often?
No, your chiropractor will identify the extent of your particular problem and will tailor your management plan. You will only be asked to make follow up appointments one visit at a time and with your expressed agreement. Your opinion and personal health care choices will always be respected and honored at David Wright Chiropractic.
What sort of problems does NIP help?
The NIP adjustments aims to change the tone of your nervous system which in tern may cause a rapid resolution in symptoms.
Are NIP adjustments safe?
Yes, because it is so gentle and avoids the use of excesive force on any joints, it is safe for everyone – including children and the elderly.
What causes the dysfunction in the first place?
To answer this we need to go back to the “circuit breaker”analogy. The brain is designed to take a certain amount of information at any one time. If there is a surge of information that is more than the brains threshold to “cope with” it can then cause the brain to overload and then it may begin to perceive itself incorrectly. These surges can come in the form of physical trauma (ie. a fall or bump etc), chemical trauma (bad foods and allergies) or emotional trauma (high stress, or emotional turmoil). Each of these three factors affect everybody to a varying degree; some people have a higher threshold and rarely injure or hurt themselves while others have a lower threshold to tolerate these information overloads and find themselves prone to injury/dysfunction.