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  • Writer's pictureJemima Barbetti

No cracking chiropractic - How does it work?

Unlike some chiropractors, we do not use any cracking or crunching to treat patients. Instead, we use a low-force technique called NeuroImpulse protocol or NIP for short. NIP is about making sure your body and brain are working together effectively. As sometimes the body can send the wrong messages to the brain which then impacts how our joints and muscles respond to day-to-day activities. This can result in a reduced range of motion, weakness and sometimes pain.

NIP allows us to perform a holistic assessment and identify areas of dysfunction. The practitioner can then perform gentle noninvasive corrections to improve these outcomes allowing you to function to your fullest potential.

When most people consider a chiropractor it is for neck or back pain. However, at David Wright Chiropractic we treat the whole body this includes but isn't limited to shoulders, hips, knees and even feet. NIP is appropriate for people of all ages and abilities. By removing bodily interference, we can help reduce the risk of injuries and allow people to focus on their long-term health.

So, if you are tired of pain and stiffness book a consult today and let us help you maximize your brain and body’s capabilities.


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